Discover the Complete MICRO-UMBILICAL SYSTEM for Terresterial & Subsea Ops
Life-Support Systems' micro-umbilical based life-support technology, supports all services and systems required for safe & efficient human intervention, in any extreme environment: subsea or terrestrial.
This video demonstrates the myriad of new systems and technologies LSS' new Universal Operating Platform supports in the Extreme Environment Industry.
The components and systems presented here are proof-of-concept. They have been successfully tested and demonstrated in subsea environments. Demonstration Videos are available upon request.
LSS’ Technology is the world’s first "Universal Operating Platform" to deliver all current & future "Advanced Life-Support Technologies" to professionals operating in any Extreme Environment, both Subsea & Terrestrial.
New breakthrough capabilities for Industrial & Municipal Infrastructure Maintenance & Inspection; Oil/Gas/Renewable Energy Production, Distribution, Storage; DoD/ Military, EOD/UXO, Law Enforcement, 1st Responder S & R; Environmental Preservation/ Restoration; Maritime Science & Education; Commercial Transportation (Land, Sea, Air); Media & Entertainment.
LSS' disruptive technologies are supported by sixty (60) granted patents, in thirty-seven (37) territories.
LSS's complete four (4) person life-support system, "flies as regular luggage on a commercial airline." And easily transported by a single individual.
The Industrial PC-based VDCPak supports full A/V Zoom-like communications between globally remote SME's and "in situ" operators. With local & cloud documentation.
The system will support increased situational awareness through real-time data sensors and tools - for real time AI analytics, both local and remote.
The platform will support the integration of Biometrics & Environmental CBRNE analysis. And triage of mass casualty events.
Will support Sonar to Video to provide 100' visability in "Black water". Or ability to "laser paint" confined environments for real-time 3D CAD generation.
Supports systems for Dynamic "in suit" Heating and / or Cooling when operating in extreme temperature environments.
With greater total capacity (528 cft) and half the weight of standard (easy to topple 6’) steel “K” Tank, LSS new SixPak, manifolds six (6) Carbon SCBA cylinders into a single volume. By “cascading” their operation, cylinders are easily “cycled” to create an infinitely uninterruptible air supply.
The GasPak supports up to 4 technicians operating in any extreme environment. It accepts any variable high-pressure gas source up to 6,000 psi. The inlet pressure regulator allows the user to set the output to any stable pressure, above 800 psi, below which a low-pressure alarm sounds. Each Gas Out is individually terminable.
And for those with Scuba tanks (80/100 cft) for storage, any number of additional SixPak’s may be serial connected to create thousands of cubic feet of breathing air, to support up to four (4) technicians operating simultaneously. The SixPak transports easily (on lockable casters) and lifted by only two (2) people.
300’ Fully Integrated Micro Umbilical Deployment System "The size of your little finger.” The 2'x2'x2' ReelPak is easily transported by a single person.
Four (4) technicians are supported with a single GasPak. Includes Ultra-flexible, Micro- HP Breathing Gas Line - Safety Rated to 18,000 psi.
The GasPak supports up to 4 ReelPaks, with deliverable pressurs up to 4500 psi.
PoE Cat5e supports 1000 Mbps, and 25.5 W of power, for VDCPak, USB Data / Comms.
Two, switchable, 12-24VDC Power Circuits for devices + multiple, high-powered LED's.
Backup 4-wire Analog Audio Comms. Independent "Amsteel Blue" safety tether, rated to 4,500 lbs.
Built upon a powerful industrial Win 11 computer, the VDCPak hosts a LAN, with up to four umbilicall'd technicians, to creat mplete “Zoom-like” Audio + Video conferencing between all “in situ” technicians, their surface tender, plus an unlimited number of globally located SME’s. Internet access via quad-diversity 5G; four (4) USB3.1 ports, wired + wireless LAN plus GPS integration.
.External Power is user selectable (110/220 VAC, or 12VDC). Dual power-supplies support the computer independently from all other devices /accessories and the ultra-bright (1500 nit) waterproof monitor. Technician LED’s are independently switchable by the Tender. The BT Keyboard is foldable/ removable for protection.
The ReelPak's fully integrated 300' umbilical, combines HP Breathing Gas, a Independent Tether, with a high bandwidth PoE LAN. This connects the global data & communications capabilities of the VDCPak with the "in situ" technician operating in any "instantly lethal" environment, subsea or terrestrial.
(Industrial Win 11 Micro-Computer), via Umbilical integrated Cat5e PoE, creates a (client) LAN between the "in situ" technician and the Tender operated (Host) VDCPak.
VDCHub supports Audio I/O, Bluetooth, four (4) USB3.0 devices for real-time (1080P) "Zoom" conferencing with remote SME's, + concurrent bidirectional distribution of Digital Data, including Biometrics, CBRNE, Sonar to Video, HUD, Laser, Ultrasonics etc.
(Uninterruptable Power Supply: 40Ah)
Converts 110/220VAC to 12/5VDC across ten (10) independently fused/switchable circuits. Plus a 100W USB Port for Computers/Laptops.
In the event of power failure, the UPSPak automatically switches to 40Ah LiFePo4 Battery for multiple hours of continuous operation.
PowerPak provides a total of eight (8) circuits of 100Ah of LiFePo4 12VDC power, doubly encased within an integrated waterproof cover and no internal controls.
PowerPak will support electrically heated undergarments for ice diving and diver mounted propulsion systems to counter strong currents against which commercial divers sometimes operate.
ChargePak – a 30Ah LiFePo4 Battery Charger, designed for recharging operations in harsh environments.
Equipped with two, 4 wire connectors, each with “Y” cables, the ChargePak can charge up to four (4) PowerPaks simultaneously.
Triple (Independent) Air Redundancy for Subsea Operations. The LSS 4-port Gas Block is integrated with a 23+ cft, (4500 psi) Composite Cylinder, the size of an AL 13cft.
For “Surface Supplied Air” (SSA) operations, the LSS HP Umbilical Gas Supply Line quick connects with the integrated RegPak4, that is mounted on Gas In Port 3.
In the event interruption, the GB selector knob is simply pointed to the diver’s back – to connect with the Main Scuba Tank. Should that fail, the selector is rotated frontward, to access the independent bailout gas.
The PonyPak includes its own 2nd stage regulator for sharing with an OOA “Buddy” or immediately with a submerged victim (i.e., under ice, submerged vehicle).
The PonyPak Harness is uniquely attached at the diver’s center of gravity – mid-torso - for perfect balance in any orientation
The 4-point QC attachment points include two on the BCD shoulder straps, at two the waist belt.
Under OSHA and NFPA regulations, Professional Divers are required to have an independent, redundant air supply.
The front mounted PonyPak, with 4 Ports, allows the diver to switch from his main (back mounted) Scuba tank to the front mounted (4500 psi / 23+ cft Carbon Cylinder), with the simple rotation the selector knob.
But sharing air with a Full-Face Mask (FFM) diver is not possible – until now.
Every PonyPak’d Diver has a second 7’ LP hose coiled into a belt pouch. To share (or receive) “buddy air” the donating diver uncoils / connects his 7’ extension, to Port 3 of the buddy’s integrated PonyPak Gas Block.
Then rotates the selector knob to the “External” position. Now both FFM divers are buddy breathing from the “rescuer’s” main tank – and no diver is removing their FFM
Bailout for Terrestrial Operations are unique. RegPak 3, HP Gas IN
Port directly connects to the LSS HP Umbilical, for continuous “breath for breath” refilling – not only for the technician, but also a S&R victim. RegPak3 has two, LP ports to support two (or more) people on a single umbilical.
The 23+ cft Composite Cylinder (4500 psi) may be horizontally mounted across the front torso, or across the middle of the back. This allows “belly crawling” within highly confined spaces. It can also be “side slung” under one arm.
Sport divers need independent redundant air supplies no less than professionals. The reason for the lack of use by sport divers is the problematic method of attachment.
Whether side slung or side mounted on the main tank, it constantly rolls the diver on their side. The LSS PonyPak comfortably places the bailout at the diver's “center of gravity” – horizontally, mid torso. It is instantly available to the diver, or their buddy.
The current technology used by the commercial dive industry is massive, costly to maintain, operate and requires commercial or military transport.
Asset owners and the divers cut costs and violate OSHA regulations and ignore mandated safety systems. They substitute sport diving equipment for commercial systems. This often ends in fatalities and injuries
The LSS Umbilical Life Support System is “ …… a complete, rapidly deployable , 4 person commercial dive system, that can fly as regular luggage on a commercial airline …….or be transported by a single person in their family car…..”
For the first time in commercial dive industry history, LSS delivery an ultra compact, rapidly deployable universal platform incorporating the most advanced, high-tech systems for the personal safety and work efficiency of subsea professionals
LSS RegPak 4, allow replacement of the entire “upstream low-pressure” system with the LSS “plug & play” platform -- from the source to the Hard Hat Gas Block.
The RegPak4 automatically reduces the HP gas to LP for the Helmet 2nd Stage. The diver operates his helmet, and EGS system identically. But with a d 75% reduction in complexity & cost.
The CamPak is a "Ultra-low light:" 2K HD Video Camera,
rated to >1,000 ft. )
It is so sensitive it operates all the way to the infrared threshold.
The CamPak, is offered with two choices of lens: close-up where murky water degrades a broader view – and high depth of field, for terrestrial operations, or clear water environments.
“Four-sided mounting” allows attachment in any orientation: to masks, handles & extension poles.
And for the "fashion conscious" professional, is available in colors to match their helmets, masks and faceplates to which they may be attached.
(Subsea) RegPak 1 is an Ice-rated 1st Stage regulator, with the first ever Hi-Pressure Gas IN port.
This allows connection of the main Scuba tanks directly to LSS Hi-Pressure Umbilical.
Umbilical connection ensures continuous (breath-for-breath) air re-supply, offering redundancy for shallow or swift-water conditions, where traditional bailout systems may not be practical.
(Subsea) RegPak 2 is a one-of-kind integrated 1st stage regulator & tank valve. It connects the Gas Block on the LSS Carbon 24cft (4500 psi) redundant air PonyPak to provide independent bailout for a Scuba diver, and tertiary bailout for a SSA diver.
It also provides LP air to a separate 2nd stage regulator to “buddy breath” or for S&R responders to provide instant air to submerged victims.
(Terrestrial) RegPak 3 is an integrated tank valve + 1st stage regulator that offers similar "HP Gas IN" capability as RegPak 1, but optimized for terrestrial environments.
Rated to 4500 psi, it allows the LSS umbilical to continuously refilled the 24cft carbon bailout cylinder, to full capacity.
It supports two LP Gas OUT ports: One for the responder/technician, plus a second for a victim in an S&R operation. It can even support multiple victims, with limitless air, when connected to a LP gas distribution box.
(Subsea) Sport Divers require independent bailout systems no differently than professional divers.
The “micro” package combines the tank valve with a1st stage regulator.
It perfectly aligns the LP port with ideal hose routing to the second stage. The front-mounted PonyPak harness places the entire package comfortably in the diver’s center of gravity. Ready the second it is needed by the diver or his buddy – to whom it may be instantly de-clip and passed for a safe, independent ascent.
RegPak 4 is the “MacGyver Tool” of regulators. Its first duty is to connect the LSS Umbilical to the PonyPak mounted “Gas Block”- providing the first of the PonyPak’s triple air redundancy.
The RegPak4 is bolted to Port3 of the LSS 4-port Gas Block mounted in the center of the PonyPak Redundant Bailout System (shown above)
The second application is for emergency quick connection of the Umbilical to the Gas Block, on a PonyPak’d diver-who first entered the water, without a surface air supply.
If an entrapped, non-SSA diver is running out of air, a backup diver can deliver the LSS E-ReelPak (Emergency "Gas Only" ReelPak), with the RegPak, connected to the umbilical. Then quick connects the RegPak to the RA QC on Gas Block Port 3.
Many teams and organizations operate in both subsea and terrestrial environments.
The Mobile Platform integrates up to two (2) complete four (4) technician systems for rapid deployment and near-instant operability. The design includes integrated compressor for on location/during transport refilling of breathing gas and sufficient electrical power to support UPSPak and PowerPak.